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Commendations To This Socially Responsible Employer

Commendations to this socially responsible employer
31 Dec 2021

The pandemic has introduced many changes in our lives and made us re-evaluate what is normal.  This has led to us re-thinking how we can go about our normal daily business in a safe and socially conscious way. 

We recently partnered with an employer who rather than cancel a business event opted to have all attendees tested for Covid-19 prior to entering the venue. The event was a formal dinner and as such masks would have to be removed for the meal.

We set up dual testing stations and efficiently progressed through the testing of 100 guests before granting access.  The atmosphere was convivial with guest relaxed and in good spirits.  The employer and guests enjoyed an increased level of security knowing that they were in a safe environment.

Commendations to this socially responsible employer.