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It would be impossible to know where to start when describing Lynette. I first met her a couple of years ago when she started working as the nurse and manager at my doctor’s office.  I noticed immediately that she changed the entire atmosphere of that office with her calm efficiency and warm and sunny personality.  As a nurse she is the best one I have ever known.  She is caring, insightful and wise, and I always feel confident under her care.  She is also incredibly gentle.  When she gives me an injection or draws blood, I never feel a thing.  Lynette has a way about her that makes people just want to be around her.  I think it’s the combination of her keen medical knowledge and skills, her reassuring demeanor, and her endearing personality that make her like a magnet in every room she enters.  I would follow her anywhere and trust her with anything.  She has always been there for me.  She reaches out to me, somehow knowing, before I even call her, that I need her.  It’s uncanny.  If I am not well, she checks on me every day.  Her medical training is extensive.  She has thrived in many demanding and difficult environments, and nothing ruffles her feathers.  She would shine in any situation, and she would be the one I would reach for.  She is a born nurturer and healer, a hard and tireless worker, and one of the most capable, charming and gracious people I have ever met.  Her dedication and generosity to the people in her life is unwavering.  It is a privilege to know her and if she ever thinks she will ever get rid of me she is wrong.

Ellen M

“During our family vacation last December, my 88-year-old mother broke her elbow and needed emergency surgery.  I knew immediately we would need in-home care during the remainder of our stay.  Fortunately, our hotel concierge connected us with Lynette and our vacation was back on track. 

Nurse Lynette was very professional, responsive, and caring from the moment she and I first talked.  I Loved that Nurse Lynette was reachable by text.  Even though it was the Christmas holidays, Nurse Lynette easily accommodated our needs for round the clock home care.  She had an excellent nurse waiting for my mother the moment we got back to our condo.  Lynette even made an extra trip to meet my mother and assess her needs.

My mother had wonderful caregivers during the five days she remained on the island.  The two nurses that worked with her were always dressed professionally and arrived promptly (if not early!) for their shift.  I liked that the departing nurse gave the arriving attendant a full update on my mother’s status.  Each nurse was very friendly, caring and readily engaged my mother in conversation.  They easily attended to all her physical needs – bathing, changing, bathroom.  It was helpful to have the same caregivers for each shift.  My mother was very pleased with their care.

Thanks to the staff my family were able to enjoy exploring the island for the remainder of our stay.  I knew my mother was safe and being well cared for at the condo”.

Laura B, USA

Lynette has always been the gracious go to use at my doctor’s office.  My first thought when she arrived at the clinic was “well it’s time to train another assistant”, but that was the furthest from the truth.  In very short order Lynette had discovered what made me calm and understood my health issues in a manner that improved on that of my doctor visits, she actually trained me.  I learned very quickly “assistant” was not her appropriate title.

After getting to know Lynette and speaking to her about her life as a nurse, I realized how blessed we are as a island to have such a knowledgeable, self-motivated and truly caring health practitioner to guide us on our path to better health.  She has a depth of knowledge and experience in demanding environments and is a mother and nurturer.

She is the first nurse ever to efficiently draw blood while talking me off the proverbial ledge without causing so much as a wince.  I’ve asked her to travel with me wherever I went, at the time not realizing travel would be completely limited by COVID.  I am comforted knowing she is here at a time of great stress.  She is always there to answer my questions, I never have to phone her for an update because she addresses all my issues and more post haste.  Lynette always follows up with me after I have been into the office via text and walks me through recovery almost daily until I feel better.  I am an ex-cancer patient and was raised by my mother who was also a nurse practitioner so I have a keen eye and respect for what makes me feel good.  That is what Lynette does…. she makes you feel good.

Joy G

I first met Lynette when attending a wellness checkup provided by my employer. I found her to be a wealth of knowledge and immediately felt at ease with her kind and compassionate behaviour.

I have since received IV infusions under her watchful gaze, always feeling calm even though I previously had a fear of needles.

I recommend her whenever I can and wish her only the best for her future.

Alexandra R

From our initial encounter with Lynette my husband and I felt a genuine connection with her.  She did a thorough medical and environmental assessment and offered suggestions on improving safety.  She was sensitive to my husbands needs and provided skilled and knowledgeable staff who were dedicated and committed.  As my husband slowly deteriorated mentally and physically, we were comforted knowing that we had a compassionate, caring, and supportive team with us on the journey.  He was regularly assessed, and adjustments made as needed.  Every effort was made to maximize his quality of life from taking him out for a sightseeing drive to taking him swimming.

It was particularly important when I had to go abroad, knowing that Lynette and her team were ever present and electronically kept in touch daily.  I am comforted knowing that my husband received this exceptional care during his time of need.

Eva W

Strength and Compassion

When I had my Total Knee Replacement (TKR) I was less than prepared for the difficulties the healing process would present. Surgery was delayed and all of our family off duty planning wet up in flames. Having no one to be with me I contacted Lynette having known her through my local GP’s office. In the

beginning vanity was very much on my mind but she gently assisted me and helped guide me through the general daily task of feeling better keeping dignity intact. I was in the shower a week before many TKR patients and it was Lynette who helped me. She encouraged with with strength to move when I wanted to just fold over. I always felt safe with her by my side. The first shower was life changing.

Lynette checked in on me daily to see how I was feeling emotionally as well as physically. It was a delight having her in our home. Like a watchful friend she would quiz me about diet, physical therapy and general well being, always in a kind, unassuming manner but with professional precision.

I highly recommend Lynette or anyone she overseas helping you with your medical guidance. There comes a point when the doctor is done but you might no be quite ready to be alone, then Lynette steps in.

Joy G